"Communicating for Results!"
PowerTalk Power Club
Exciting - Engaging- Educational Events
"Expert Presentations & Small Business Networking for Relationships, Rewards, and Results!"
Designed specifically for professional and aspiring professional speakers, coaches, authors, subject matter experts, small business owners, visionary thought leaders, and especially entrepreneurs.
We invite you to prospect, network, and make new friends.
Come visit and become a "Power Pal!"

Why Join PowerTalk?
Gain new leadership skills.
Improve communication skills.
Practice presentation skills.
Get valuable member feedback.
Promote and grow your business.
Network and share resources and referrals.
Foster new business relationships and friendships.
Continue your education through professional development.
Participate for your own personal enrichment.
Because you will have fun!
​ Our Mission:
The mission of the PowerTalk Power Club is to educate, entertain, and engage our Power Pal members to participate in fun, alternative, yet complementary professional development meetings where every member has the opportunity to prospect, promote, and present their programs, products, and services in order to enhance their own business and professional growth.
Our Vision:
The PowerTalk Power Club is designed to empower you. We invite you to participate as a “Power Pal” Speaker and a Powerful Networker. Our interactive professional learning environment will support your development as a VIP Speaker, Entrepreneur, and Small Business Leader.
Our Values:
Members of this club seek to support one another through effective feedback in the form of speaker presentation evaluations, networking and referrals, and sharing resources that can help our members achieve their personal and professional development goals.
Our Overall Objective:
Our overall objective is to encourage all our Club Members to continue to grow as business professionals and to help foster a supportive and fun social environment for personal enrichment.
What We Offer
Would you like a networking and referrals club without the high fees and strict BNI stipulations?
Would you like to practice your presentations and get valuable feedback with well-organized, structured Toastmaster type meeting roles but without the regular rules and regulations?
Would you like more options to select and choose meeting times and meeting formats that best fit your own schedule and appeal to your preferred learning style, presentation style, and networking environment?
By combining some of the best elements from BNI and the best elements from Toastmasters, plus sprinkling in a few of our own fun and creative innovations, PowerTalk Seminars offers a new, exciting alternative approach for continuing your professional development and achieving your personal growth goals!
In addition to our bi-monthly motivational early morning meetings, Club Members participate in high quality business networking activities, as well as enjoy quarterly PowerTalk "Power Lunch Programs," PowerTalk "Prime Time Dinner Programs," and our highly popular "Pizza, Pop, and Power Pal" Expert Panel Discussions, Presentations, and Exciting Social Events!
This club is specifically designed for professional and aspiring professional speakers, coaches, authors, subject matter experts, small business owners, visionary thought leaders, and especially entrepreneurs.
Please note: Guests are welcome to visit any 2 PowerTalk Power Club meetings for free. We hope that by attending and meeting our club members in a variety of "power settings," you will find our PowerTalk Power Club to be a great professional development and personal growth fit. We highly recommend VIP FULL Power Pal Membership as the fastest track to achieving higher levels of speaking proficiency, business growth, and leadership success!
For more details regarding meetings, club membership, and our social business networking events, or to RSVP for a free guest visit:
Please contact Club President and Program Director, Vitalia Pundyk at (952) 221-1701 or email us at vitalia@powertalkseminars.com
For a brief description of our Club Meeting Formats, including, dates, times, location, and membership dues, please clickHERE and you will be redirected to another page on our site.
Mission Statement
The mission of the PowerTalk Power Club is to educate, entertain, and engage our members to participate in fun, alternative professional development meetings where every member has the opportunity to prospect, promote, and present their programs, products, and services in order to enhance their own business and professional growth. Members of this club seek to support one another through effective feedback in the form of speaker evaluations, networking and referrals, and sharing resources that can help our members achieve their personal and professional business growth goals.