Vitalia Bryn-Pundyk, M.Ed/DTM/DPP
PowerTalk Power Club President
Greetings Power Pals & Visiting Guests!
A Heartfelt Thank You to
My PowerTalk Power Club Family:
As I reflect on the past five years of the PowerTalk Power Club, I am overwhelmed with gratitude. This journey has been nothing short of incredible, and it would not have been possible without each and every one of you.
This year, we celebrated 15 years in business, 5 years of this amazing club, my birthday, and—most importantly—my cancer remission.
Each milestone has been made even more meaningful because of the unwavering support, encouragement, and camaraderie of this wonderful community.
To every member who has been part of this journey—whether from the beginning or just recently—you have made a lasting impact.
Your energy, enthusiasm, and belief in our mission keep me inspired every day. Thank you for your kindness, your friendship, and for being part of something so special.
Here's to "good food, good friends, and good fun" and all the great memories we made together!
With deep appreciation,
Now, let's go have an "Empowering" Day!
Vitalia Bryn-Pundyk, M.Ed/ DTM/DPP
President of PowerTalk Seminars, LLC
President of PowerTalk Power Club
(952) 221-1701

Power Words
Sward: An area of land covered with grass.
Example: "The hikers emerged from the forest to find a green sward dotted with yellow and purple flowers stretching out before them."
Facesious: Used to describe something, such as a remark or behavior, that is meant to be humorous or funny but is sometimes instead annoying, silly, or improper. It can also be used to describe someone who is joking, often implying that they are doing so inappropriately.
Example: The emcee delivered several facetious quips throughout the night that the audience found in poor taste.
Audition: A short performance to show the talents of someone (such as an actor or a musician) who is being considered for a role in a play, a position in an orchestra, etc.
Example: Auditions will be held next week for the spring musical.
Power Trivia
Trivia #1:
February 1865 is the only month in recorded history not to have a full moon.
Trivia #2:
In the last 4,000 years, no new animals have been domesticated.
Trivia #3:
If the population of China walked passed you, in single file, the line would never end because of the rate of reproduction.
Source: "It's a Fact!" - Globe Mini-Mag
Power Idioms
Better Half
Example: I'm not making a decision until I check with my better half.
Meaning: Either partner in marriage.
Origin: Puritans were English Protestants in the 16th and 17th centuries who favored strict religious discipline. They said that each person was made up of two halves, body and soul, and the soul was the better half because it was the spiritual side. Sir Philip Sidney, an English writer, said that a marriage was made up of two halves, and that the better half was the better spouse. Today, when the phrase "better half" is used, it almost always means someone's wife, although there's no reason why a wife can't use the term to describe her husband. In either case, "better half" is a compliment.
Source: Scholastic Dictionary of Idioms

Hey Power Pals - What's Up?
Please submit articles, promotions, punchlines, praise, power tips, and recipes by the 1st of the month for inclusion in next month's newsletter. We appreciate all your contributions to make this a fun and informative read! - You can submit your items to Club President and Newsletter Editor, Vitalia Pundyk at email: vitalia@powertalkseminars.com
Sign up for our monthly PowerTalk Newsletter here!
Super PowerTalk Power Day Celebration!
Power Day Program Speakers:
Power Talk Power Pal Recognition:

Jane Schuette, M.A/ DTM/GPP
Keynote Speaker
"Brilliance is US!"
Stephen Shaner, DTM & Greg Scholz, DTM

PowerTalk Power Club Most Improved Speakers of the Year

Jayne Miller Lynn Wilson
PowerTalk Power Club Speakers of the Year

Stephen Shaner, DTM Gwen Briesmeister
PowerTalk Power Pals of the Year

Lori Ziebarth, BPP Roman Pundyk, DTM/DPP
Here's the link to additional fun pictures from this great celebration! (courtesy of Kim Windingland, DTM)
PowerTalk Promotions
Announcing upcoming BlackJack Boot Camps!
Would you like to become a professional Blackjack player but don't know where to begin? Are you perhaps seeking another form of entertainment, a new hobby, or recreational activity? Have you ever wondered why the game is so popular and is it ever possible to win? – Perhaps you’re planning a trip to Las Vegas soon or simply want to join in on the action at all our local Minnesota Casinos? ….. Come on, admit it…. Aren't you even a little bit curious and would like to learn how to play? If you've answered "yes" to any of these questions, then our brand new Blackjack Boot Camp Sessions are the perfect place to answer your questions and learn the winning strategies to help you gain more courage, confidence, and an increased comfort level to join in on the fun! By popular request, your "Blackjack Buddies" Roman & Vitalia Pundyk are offering several 1-day Boot Camps for a variety of Blackjack level players. Each Boot Camp Session is a pre-requisite for the next player's proficiency level and is a high-participatory, accelerated coaching program designed to learn and practice - the rules, the exceptions, and the betting strategies to help you Ace your game! If you've ever wanted to join in on the fun but didn't know how to play or simply lacked the confidence to walk into the casino and sit down at the fast dealers' table, FEAR NO MORE - Your Blackjack Buddies are here! Not only will we coach you step by step through the Blackjack Basics, but we will accompany you to the tables where immediately after Boot Camp Session, you will have the option to join us for dinner and then play "for real!" Blackjack Boot Camp is starting up soon and is limited to just 6 participants max. - it is time NOW to get registered and learn the strategies that can help you become proficient and play at your highest level. Call us at the “Circle 21 Club” - Blackjack University at (952) 221-1701 to reserve your session and seat or register at https://www.powertalkseminars.com/powertalk-power-play Hope you can join us - Become a Power Player Today! Sincerely, Your Blackjack Buddy Vitalia
Click on BlackJack Picture above for program dates, times, location, tuition, etc...

Hey Everyone! - Check Out all the new offerings from SpeakerBiz this Spring!
Click on SpeakerBiz Logo above for more info on the following programs:
SpeakerBiz 6-week Virtual Boot Camps
SpeakerBiz 1-day Seminars
SpeakerBiz Cliff Note Workshops
Special SpeakerBiz Services:
Marketing - Presentation - & Private Coaching Packages
PowerTalk Punch Lines

A Woman's Valentine Wish
A smart and handsome young man dressed in the most sophisticated manner walks into a bar. He notices a woman staring at him without blinking her eyes with an open mouth. Flattered, he approached the woman and said in his sexiest deep voice - "I'll do anything you wish, beautiful lady, for just $20 but on one condition."
The woman was trapped in a moment and asked as if in a trance - "What's your condition?" The young man replied, "Tell me your wish in just three words."
After a long pause, woman opened her purse, counted the money and handed it to the man along with her address. She then looked deeply into his eyes and whispered, "Clean my house."
Submitted by Vitalia Bryn-Pundyk, M.Ed/DTM/DPP
PowerTalk Power Tips

Stop Trying to Please Everyone and Say "No" More
I used to be a people pleaser and it was exhausting! I was constantly trying to help solve my friends’ problems and “be there” for others, regardless of own life situation. I don’t do that anymore and it’s made a huge difference in my life. I help others when I can but not at the sake of my own health and wellbeing.
As I’ve stepped into my higher self, I am “less available” for many people in my life. And guess what? The ones that understand are my true friends because they are happy for my personal growth (as I am for theirs). The same is true for you.
Stop trying to please everyone and liberate yourself by preserving your time and energy for your Top Priorities and Money Values. Limit your volunteer work, favors for others, chauffeuring kids etc. so you CAN align yourself with your Top Priorities and Money Values.
Submitted by Vitalia Bryn-Pundyk, M.ED/DTM/DPP
PowerTalk Palate

Recipe details: Yield 2 Quarts
Time spent:
Prep time: 10 Minutes
Cook time: 1 Hour
Total time: 1 hr 10 min
2 (28oz) can crush tomatoes (see notes)
1/3 to 1/2 cup EVOO (Extra Virgin Olive Oil)
10 garlic cloves, whole
15g fresh basil (About a handful of basil leaves)
10g fresh oregano (about 5 sprigs)
Salt to taste
In a large, heavy bottom saucepan, add the EVOO and garlic cloves. Turn the heat to medium-low heat, and cook the garlic low and slow until softened and they begin to caramelize. Once the garlic is caramelized, remove the cloves from the pot. Add the crushed tomatoes and cook low and slow for 45 to 60 minutes, uncovered. Add a little water to the tomato cans (about 1/4 of each can), swish it around to get all that excess sauce off the sides, and pour it into the pot.
While the sauce is cooking, make a bouquet garni with the basil and oregano (see picture above). And add it to the sauce during the last 5 to 10 minutes of cooking. At this time, taste the sauce and add salt as needed. When the sauce is done cooking, remove it from the heat. You can leave the herbs in the sauce until you use it.
You want to find the best quality tomatoes you can find, and most importantly, you can afford.
If you cannot find good quality crushed tomatoes, you can use whole tomatoes. However, I prefer to put whole tomatoes through a food mill.
I use the garlic to flavor the oil, so no chunks of garlic float in the sauce. However, you can add the garlic back to the sauce if you don't mind the garlic.