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Vitalia Bryn-Pundyk, M.Ed/DTM/DPP

PowerTalk Power Club President

Greetings Power Pals & Visiting Guests!


The Fall Season is just around the corner and this is an exciting month of PowerTalk Meetings and Events!


We have our highly popular Pizza Panel Program this month as well as our regularly scheduled 2 early morning zoom sessions packed with awesome speakers and great professional development and personal enrichment topics!


Additionally, we have our annual Fall Festival Mini-Conference Retreat in Siren, Wisconsin where I hear the leaves are beginning to change their colors.  Half of our club members are all registered to participate as well as a few of our friends and supporters.  With workshops, speech contests, and fun recreational activities for everyone, it is sure to be yet another educational, engaging, and exciting event for all!


Looking forward to seeing you all at our upcoming programs and events - enjoy these last few days of summer, because Fall is almost here!





Vitalia Bryn-Pundyk, M.Ed/ DTM/DPP

President of PowerTalk Seminars, LLC

President of PowerTalk Power Club

(952) 221-1701

Power Words

Newfangled: Something that has been recently invented or developed, and usually implies that this new thing is difficult for some to understand.

Example: The neighbors are always showing off their new gadgets and tools, but I feel no need for those newfangled contraptions.


Jeremiad: A long cautionary or angry rant about something. It can also refer to a similarly prolonged lamentation, or expression of great sorrow or deep sadness.

Example: His jeremiad about trivial problems with the campsite didn’t go over well with his friends.


Attenuate:  Make something weaker or less in amount, effect, or force.

Example:  The switch from the clack of typewriters to the quiet tap of computer keyboards greatly attenuated the noise level of the office.

Power Trivia

Trivia #1: 

A cat has 32 muscles in each ear.


Trivia #2:

A crocodile cannot stick out it's tongue.


Trivia #3:

A dragonfly has a life span of 24 hours.


Source: "It's a Fact!" - Globe Mini-Mag

                  Power Idioms

             "Bee in your bonnet"


Example: Mr. Davis thinks he can teach us the trombone.  He must have a bee in his bonnet.​


Meaning: A crazy idea; an obsession with an idea.​


Origin: This 16th - century expression was originally "to have a head full of bees," but it changed to "bee in one's bonnet" in Robert Herrick's "Mad Maid's Song," a poem written in 1648.  It sounds better this way because of alliteration - both words beginning with the same letter.  If you have a crazy idea and can't talk about anything else, it's like having a bee stuck in your hat.  A similar expression is to have "bats in your belfry."​


Source: Scholastic Dictionary of Idioms

                 POWER PLANNER

Upcoming Club Events & Meeting Dates

SEPTEMBER CLUB MEETING DATES & Upcoming Special Club Member Events:

Note:  Zoom Details for each meeting are emailed to respective Power Pals with current paid membership for each Program Meeting format.

Thursday, September 12th

6:30am - 9:00am CST

 ZOOM Early Morning Meeting


Friday, September 13th

 6:30am-9:00am CST

ZOOM Early Morning Meeting


Tuesday, September 10th

6:00pm-9:00pm CST

 PowerTalk Pizza Panel Program



                  POWER BOARD


Thank you to our Volunteer Staff and additional club members and visiting guests who assist and help at our club meetings and events  - and a special thank you to Roman Pundyk for serving as our club A/V Roadie & Videographer and Julie Nekola for serving as our Virtual Assistant.  - We appreciate you!


Let's all make this an EMPOWERING DAY!

 PowerTalk Potpourri

      Hey Power Pals - What's Up?


Please join our Private Linked-In Group to stay current & Up to date on any and all announcements!


Also - just a quick reminder:  CLUB MEMBERHIP DUES ARE DUE!  Click HERE to renew or upgrade your membership!                 

                             THANK YOU!


Please submit articles, promotions, punchlines, praise, power tips, and recipes by the 1st of the month for inclusion in next month's newsletter.  We appreciate all your contributions to make this a fun and informative read! - You can submit your items to Club President and Newsletter Editor, Vitalia Pundyk at email:

                                                                                            -THANK YOU!-

   Call for Speakers

If any club member or visiting guest would like to get on the speaking rotation, please contact Founder and Club President, Vitalia Pundyk to reserve your spot on the meeting schedule.

Phone: (952) 221-1701







PowerTalk Punch Lines


PowerTalk Power Tips

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You can have, do, or be anything you want by attracting it into your life.  The law of attraction is based upon “being” versus “having.”  As a good old book once said, “Seek ye first the kingdom of God and all these things shall be added unto you.” (Matthew 6:33)


Submitted by Vitalia Bryn-Pundyk, M.ED/DTM/DPP

PowerTalk Palate

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                                          BERRY LEMONADE COCKTAIL

Makes 8 to 10 servings
Preparation time: 15 minutes



  • 1 cup seedless raspberry jam

  • ¾ teaspoon kosher salt

  • ¾ cup freshly squeezed lemon juice

  • 750 milliliters amontillado sherry

  • 1 cup blanco tequila

  • Ice

  • 1 pint raspberries, for garnish

  • 1 lemon, thinly sliced, for garnish

  • ½ English cucumber, thinly sliced, for garnish

  • 10 fresh mint leaves, for garnish

  • 1 liter tonic water



  1. In a large pitcher or beverage dispenser, add the raspberry jam and salt.

  2. Slowly pour in the lemon juice, stirring constantly to incorporate the juice into the jam.

  3. Add the amontillado sherry and tequila, and stir to combine.

  4. Fill the pitcher halfway with ice and garnish with raspberries, lemon slices, cucumber slices and mint leaves.

  5. Top the pitcher off with the tonic water, stir to combine, and serve immediately.

 PowerTalk Power Trips
    This year's Summer Fun

This year we had 10 Power Pals gather for a fun cheap dinner Social Meet-Up at Portillos in Maple Grove and just this past month 11 of our Power Pals took a field trip to their first spectacular Powwow in Shakopee.  See photos below!



Click on Meeting Dates Below 

to see our Awesome Speaker Line-Up 

and Presentation Descriptions!

Thursday, September 12th

6:30am-9:00am CST


Friday, September 13th

6:30am-9:00am CST



Power Club 

Pizza Panel Program

Tuesday, September 10th


Power Pal Profiles
Welcome Our Newest Club Members!!!

Will you be next? 

Learn more about our Club Membership Packages HERE!


         Power Articles

  Power Praise  

  PowerTalk Promotions

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